A smoothly functioning payroll accounting is the basis of your company to correctly settle wages and salaries, as well as the basis of an efficient personnel management.
Furthermore, payroll accounting is a complex field that requires extensive specialized knowledge, since extensive interested parties exert influence on this field and make claims. These include the tax office, social security institutions, pension funds and professional associations. With our professional support, we ensure an efficient, time- and cost-saving process of monthly payroll accounting and reliably transfer wages and salaries.
Our services:
- Payroll accounting
- Transfer of wages and salaries by data carrier exchange
- Transmission of data to the tax office, social insurance agencies, employers’ liability insurance associations
- Processing of applications and certificates of all kinds
- Support during wage tax and social security audits
- Management of payroll accounts
- Taking over the certification process
- Advice on difficult tax issues
- Economic advice on personnel planning and calculation of personnel costs
- Support during audits by the tax authorities and social insurance agencies